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Traveling without broadband, initial experience with a data SIM card

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In the first half of this year, the blogger lived in Yunnan. Since only planning to rent short-term, broadband was not installed, and a data card was chosen instead. Approximately 200GB of data is needed each month, and previously, a China Unicom data card was used, which costs 39 yuan for 155GB, but the monthly data always slightly exceeded. Recently, it was switched to a China Broadcasting data card, which costs 19 yuan for 198GB, just enough to use.

Online Application#

The China Broadcasting data card can be applied for directly through the link, and after applying, it will be delivered to your door by JD Express. Upon receiving the card, it can be activated on the spot with an ID card. The fee details are as follows:

Online Inquiry#

Using the online business hall APP or WeChat mini program of China Broadcasting, you can check the current package usage at any time. Most mobile phones on the market are already compatible with the China Broadcasting network, making it easy to check compatible models.


It should be noted that when using the China Broadcasting 4G network, there may be no signal in subway stations or remote areas. However, after switching to the 5G network, these issues usually disappear. According to online information, there are not many 4G signal towers for China Broadcasting, while the 5G network shares signal towers with mobile, so the signal coverage is relatively better.

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