Attachment address:
Invitation link:
UKP is the cheapest shipping address in the UK, providing a mailbox address and a package address. The free plan charges £1.5 per letter for the mailbox address. Note that if a letter is mistakenly sent to the package address, it will be locked and will require £10 to unlock, or it can be returned for free.
Shipping fees: For registered letters sent back to the mainland without a tracking number (unable to track package information), it costs around £3 per letter. For registered letters with a tracking number (able to track package information), it costs around £7 per letter.
The probability of receiving registered letters without a tracking number at mainland addresses depends on the detail of the recipient address information. It is recommended to add a "phone" pinyin annotation in the address field, for example: DianHua: 130xxxx0088; and whether the domestic postal sorting staff can understand the English and pinyin in the address field.
As shown in the picture
KYC Verification#
After completing the registration, enter the website backend for real-name verification, upload your passport and selfie, and wait for manual verification.